There was a time — not that long ago, actually — when the entertainment options in the average hotel were extremely ...
Technology trends in the hotel industry that are reshaping the customer experience
Get in the rocket-ship, kids, we're going to outer space! Well, maybe not this year, but feasibly soon. According to a ...
Above and beyond: luxury hotel trends to watch for in 2024
What is luxury? That may sound like the tag line from an ad for a high-end automobile, but it's a relevant question in ...
A look at how hotel guest demographics are shifting — and what millennials want
In the early 1950s, Kemmons Wilson and his wife packed their kids into the car for a family road trip to the state of ...
Things to consider when planning your hotel budget for 2024
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Okay, that may be a slight exaggeration, but it is hotel budget season, and ...
Upgrading your hotel tech stack for 2024? Don't neglect the Human Stack
If the ongoing staffing shortages in travel and hospitality have shown us anything, it's that the sector is endlessly ...
The future of hospitality tech: an interview with Shannon McCallum, Vice President of Hotel Operations at Resorts World Las Vegas
When Resorts World Las Vegas opened on June 24, 2021, it was the first integrated resort to be built on the Las Vegas ...
Redefining the morning routine: digital guest experiences in the hospitality industry
For a growing number of consumers, the typical morning routine involves a screen of some sort. For some of us, it could ...
Seven Gen-Z travel trends that are transforming the hospitality industry
As millennials and Generation Z are overtaking the baby boomers, the hospitality industry is witnessing radical changes ...