
Planning your 2022 hotel budget? Here are 5 new things to consider (FREE TEMPLATE)

With the hotel business still in recovery, there's more to consider this budget season than just balancing expenses and ...

How technology has changed education in academic institutions

High-tech innovation has transformed higher learning, from the lecture hall to the library and beyond Because it has ...

8 reasons more hospitality brands are partnering with PressReader

Whether they’re curling up with the Sunday paper and a coffee or keeping in the loop about the latest in the business ...

How K–12 libraries adjusted to the remote world overnight

When the pandemic first hit and the world moved remote, schools were among the fastest to adapt to our new reality. ...

5 things to remember as you choose software for your hotel tech stack

More and more, consumers are getting used to seamless experiences from the brands they choose. Whether it’s purchasing ...

Here's how governments around the world are supporting their libraries

When libraries and governments work together, they become a bit of a dream team. Their shared foundation of driving ...

How to attract digital nomads to your property

For many workers, the COVID-19 pandemic offered a chance to work from home for the first time. In Canada alone, roughly ...

Librarians are the key to bridging the digital divide

COVID-19 brought more of our lives online and increased the way we connect through technology. For many, this offered ...

How to market new digital resources at your library branch

Across the globe, libraries have invested in new technologies and virtual services poised to benefit their communities ...