Libraries are so much more than quiet corners filled with books. They’re resource hubs full of new technology. They’re ...
EU Copyright Directives and their impact on Libraries
“What will almost-free software and proliferating content do to commercial markets for content? How will people - ...
Private online communities — can they work for libraries?
Recently I wrote an article about how journalism can be a catalyst that helps connect local communities and cultures in ...
How journalism connects communities and cultures in public libraries
I love libraries and have for as long as I can remember.
The impacts of advanced technology on libraries and education
I’ve always been a fervent supporter of innovation and I believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain are ...
The future of academic libraries and media literacy in the experience economy
Back in 2012 an OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) study found that most academic librarians thought the primary ...
Transforming libraries for 21st-century communities
Recently I was researching an article on how libraries are transforming themselves to better serve their patrons in the ...
Why libraries must rewrite themselves
Imagine waking up one morning and finding that your public, school, or academic library had disappeared overnight — ...
Your patrons are customers – so start treating them like it
It’s no surprise that the way patrons use the library space is changing. And when human behavior changes, our ...