Five must-read magazines about sustainability, all available on PressReader


June is a good month to think about sustainability. There's never a bad month to think about it, of course, but June includes several days that the United Nations has designated for focusing on humanity's relationship with the natural environment, including:

World Environment Day (June 5)

The focus of this year's World Environment Day observance is plastic pollution, highlighting the fact that, of the more than 400 million tonnes of plastic produced every year worldwide, half is designed to be used only once, less than 10% is recycled, and 11 million tonnes ends up in our oceans.

The UN notes that shifting to a circular economy can reduce the volume of plastics entering oceans by over 80% by 2040 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25%.

World Oceans Day (June 8)

Given that the ocean covers over 70% of the planet, it makes sense that oceans have become a major focus as we look toward a more sustainable future. Our oceans produce at least half of the world's oxygen, are home to most of earth’s biodiversity, and are the main source of protein for more than a billion people around the globe.

Unfortunately, due to human activity, 90% of big fish populations have been depleted, and 50% of coral reefs destroyed. As the UN states, "We need to work together to create a new balance with the ocean that no longer depletes its bounty but instead restores its vibrancy and brings it new life."

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (June 17)

Droughts are among the greatest threats to sustainable development — and not just in developing countries. The UN cites forecasts estimating that by 2050 droughts may affect over three-quarters of the world’s population.

This year's International Day Against Desertification and Drought "Her land. Her rights" focuses on the barriers and challenges that women face in securing land rights and recognizes that investing in women’s equal access to land is a direct investment in their future and the future of humanity.

Sustainable Gastronomy Day (June 18)

Sustainable Gastronomy Day promotes cuisine "that takes into account where the ingredients are from, how the food is grown and how it gets to our markets and eventually to our plates".

The observance of this annual event acknowledges gastronomy as a cultural expression related to the natural and cultural diversity of the world, celebrating seasonal ingredients and producers, and preserving wildlife as well as local culinary traditions around the world.

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Sustainability: read all about it 

Among the 7,000-plus international newspapers and magazines to be found on the world’s largest digital newsstand, PressReader has a number of sustainability-focused publications for your perusal. (And when you read them on the PressReader platform via your local library branch, you also do your part by reducing the use of paper.)

Here are five of the best green publications:  

See also:

The Eco News (UK)


The Eco News releases four editions each year — one for every season. Its primary focus is on sustainable businesses, from technology to fashion, with reportage on recent news and innovative solutions in the global sustainability space.

The Spring 2023 issue includes a chart ranking 25 automotive manufacturers by how "vegan-friendly" they are (you may be surprised to learn that Ford is in the number-one spot and that Tesla barely cracked the Top 20), a spotlight on sustainable brands that are both environmentally friendly and led by women, and an article on efforts to rehabilitate Bermuda's seagrass meadows. 

Also worth checking out: The Eco News for Kids magazine, released quarterly by the same publisher and aimed at younger readers.

Canadian Geographic (Canada) 


Pop quiz time! Do you know which mammal is Canada's most endangered?  

Don't worry if you can't answer that question. We didn't know the answer either, until we read the April 2023 issue of Canadian Geographic. That's where we learned that the Vancouver Island marmot is, sadly, Canada's most endangered mammal. In an article highlighting efforts to save the adorable critters, we also found out that the Vancouver Island marmot is one of just five species of mammals in Canada that are not found anywhere else.

Published by the Royal Canadian Geographic Society, Canadian Geographic often puts iconic Canadian animals on its cover —recent issues have featured the loon, the polar bear, and the British Columbia wolf.

The magazine regularly covers ecological issues; the same edition fronted by the Vancouver Island marmot includes stories on greener gardening and what we can discern about future climate change by examining the fossil record.

Naturally, Danny Seo (US) 


It's surely a coincidence that Danny Seo was born on Earth Day in 1977, but thanks to his best-selling books, TV programs, products and syndicated column, environmental lifestyle expert Danny Seo has certainly earned the title of "America’s leading guru of green living".

Naturally, his slickly produced magazine is right on-brand, featuring articles on travel, health, cooking, clothing and more — all covered with a focus on environmental sustainability. 

Sometimes Seo's celebrity friends stop by and share their own ideas and journeys along the path to eco awareness. Yes, that was Drew Barrymore on the cover of the March issue.

Canadian Wildlife/Biosphère (Canada)


The official magazine of the Canadian Wildlife Federation is published in English under the title Canadian Wildlife and in French as Biosphère,

The Canadian Wildlife Federation’s mission is "to conserve and inspire the conservation of Canada’s wildlife and habitats for the use and enjoyment of all". Through stunning nature photography and insightful articles, Canadian Wildlife magazine showcases the stories of wildlife across Canada, and the people working to save it.

HomeGrown (Australia) 


HomeGrown is about the joy of local eating. Very local — as in the vegetables and herbs that you grow in your own garden and the healthy meals you cook in your very own kitchen. The magazine's aim is to promote and nurture readers’ knowledge of the fundamentals of creating, growing, making and providing greener and healthier options in all facets of their lives.

Each issue includes hints and tips for growing and preserving your own organic produce, with practical ways to lower your bills and move more towards a sustainable lifestyle with reduced consumption of energy and water.

In other words, HomeGrown is designed to show readers how to embody the principles and culture of sustainable gastronomy in their own lives.

Discover these and more publications about environmental sustainability on the PressReader app.

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