artificial intelligence

The evolving role of librarians: How is library leadership changing?

Historically, libraries have been all about access to information, and librarians have been the gatekeepers of the ...

Emerging trends, new technologies: 10 digital tools transforming libraries

Digital transformation doesn't happen overnight; it's usually more of a natural evolution than a sudden shift. Public ...

Digital resources & flexible learning spaces shape the future of academic libraries

In the rapidly changing world of higher education, academic libraries have always been at the forefront of innovation. ...

The PressPectives Podcast | Siddharth Venkataraman: Navigating the Indian Publishing Landscape

In this episode of PressPectives, Siddharth Venkataraman, Head of Reader Revenue and Partnerships at Indian Express, ...

The PressPectives Podcast | Joe Revill: Can affiliate marketing and AI save print media?

Joe Revill, Head of E-Publishing and Syndication at Are Media, discusses the company's transformation from a ...

The PressPectives Podcast | Esther Dyson: Why AI will never replace journalists

In the first episode of the PressPectives podcast, Esther Dyson, a journalist, investor, the founder of Wellville and a ...

The PressPectives Podcast | Fionnuala Duggan: Inside The Economist’s online courses

In this episode of the PressPectives podcast, Fionnuala Duggan, Executive Director Education at The Economist, divulges ...

Four library technology trends shaping the future of public libraries

In this article we’re going to take a look at some emerging trends in library technology and how digital resources can ...

Artificial intelligence in academia: chatbot applications in libraries

We live in the age of robots. Thanks to advances in AI, it is now theoretically possible to, say, make an entire ...

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