
Maximizing patron engagement: How PressReader enriches your library's user experience

The modern public library is a really a community gathering place, where patrons come to learn, to meet with ...

Libraries and education: Providing access to knowledge and empowering communities

UNESCO's International Day of Education, observed every January 24, underscores the pivotal role education plays in ...

A vital institution: The many benefits of libraries to local communities

If you're a regular reader of this blog, you probably have a higher-than-average level of interest in public libraries. ...

What’s next for public libraries? Key library trends for 2025 and beyond

Happy New Year! As we look toward 2025 and beyond, public libraries are poised to build on trends that have been ...

How today’s libraries are funded: 5 innovative ideas

Libraries are core institutions for communities around the world. With a mission to democratize access to knowledge and ...

The ongoing evolution of public libraries as community hubs

On this blog we spend a lot of time talking about the roles that public libraries play in their communities, and for ...

Bring seasonal fun to your branch with these library holiday programs

Can you believe it's December already? The holiday season always seems to come out of nowhere, as if we hadn't been ...

Smart libraries in smart cities: Better urban living through big data

In this article we're going to explore the role that libraries can play in smart cities. Before we dive in, though, ...

Attracting new patrons, engaging existing ones and creating the libraries of the future

There's no question that we live in tumultuous times marked by entrenched political division. Librarians sometimes find ...

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