PressReader is now integrated with the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) interface. With our existing Primo integration, it’s now easier than ever for your users to find and explore content on PressReader.
If your institution uses both EDS and PressReader, this integration ensures that PressReader search results appear directly within EDS in a dedicated placard — giving users a streamlined experience. With just one click, they can access full-text articles or explore even more content on the PressReader platform.
Before you start, make sure you have your API key. If you don’t have one, send an email to our Libraries team and we’ll get you set up. Please include “EBSCO API Key” as the subject line and mention your institution name within the email.
Steps to enable the integration in EBSCO Experience Manager:
Success! If everything is configured correctly, a confirmation banner will appear at the top of the PressReader integration page. If you encounter any issues, an error banner will display with troubleshooting details.
Don’t have EBSCO Discovery Service? PressReader content can also be accessed within Primo and Primo VE. Access and search PressReader's extensive collection of newspaper and magazine content directly from the Primo interface, alongside the rest of your library’s databases. Read more about it here.
Need help? No problem. Just create a case on EBSCO Connect.