Blog | PressReader

PressReader buys News360 for its personalization and analytics tech

Written by Mike Twining | Aug 20, 2019 5:30:00 PM

If one were to name five things today's consumers demand from publishers and brands, a quality experience and personalization would likely be in the top three of that list.  

In terms of news media, where trust still walks a tenuous tightrope, researchers at Reuters discovered that people value the "independence of algorithms", believing them to be less biased or swayed by editorial and political agendas,

Algorithmic curation, which targets an audience of one, is particularly important in the era of “It’s all about me.”  Because content that isn’t personal is likely not relevant.  And if it’s not relevant, it’s not useful.

So we're delighted to be able to announce that PressReader has just acquired a recognized leader in content personalization and publisher analytics technology — News360. 

For the few of you who may not know, News360 is the creator of the highly popular News360 app for iOS and Android devices, which has over seven million users worldwide.

Its NativeAI publisher analytics and personalization platform is used by over 100 media brands around the world. Together, News360 and NativeAI reach 100 million unique readers every month.

To advance our mission to support quality journalism and improve the way people discover stories that matter, PressReader will leverage News360’s proprietary Natural language Processing (NLP), machine learning, and personalization technologies within our consumer, publishing, and brand partnership products. 

“In a world where news fatigue is a real and growing problem, and media literacy a global concern, it’s more important than ever for people to have access to the trusted content they need in an engaging environment,” said Alex Kroogman, CEO of PressReader. “By understanding each person’s interests, and building advanced data science systems around content analytics, we will be able to give our millions of readers the trusted media they want, how they want it, when they want it, and where they want it, while building more audience intelligence into the data that drives our publisher and brand partnerships.”

News360's powerful personalization technology will be integrated into PressReader’s aggregated platform of over 7,000 newspapers and magazines, allowing it to hyper-personalize the user experience by surfacing content relevant to each reader at the right time, in the right format, through the right channels.  

Its NativeAI technology will also be made available to our thousands of publishing partners helping them make more informed decisions in real-time about what content resonates with their audience.

The natural synergy between News360's and PressReader's R&D teams is already evident in how they jointly embrace PressReader's vision, methods, and tools for "person-first" design.   It's also sparked new product ideas resulting in numerous jobs opening up for talented and motivated software developers at the company.  

“I've been extremely impressed with PressReader's extensive library of premium content, their distribution channels, and technology,” said Roman Karachinsky, CEO of News360. “Together, these strengths create a unique opportunity to provide readers with the best content the world has to offer.  With News360's NLP and personalization technologies, we’ll be able to build highly intelligent products that bring the most important and relevant journalism to people around the world, and I'm excited to accelerate this vision together.”

For the official press release, please visit here.